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NHIT Wellness

NHIT Wellness Program Details
New Hampshire Interlocal Trust and Harvard Pilgrim both value the choices that their members make when investing in their health and well-being. They are continuously researching new ways in which they can provide cutting edge programs that engage employees and their families to make healthy lifestyle choices.

How does NHIT's Wellness Program work?

  • Wellness points that you earn contribute to your Rewards HRA (rHRA)
  • rHRA funds can be used to pay for:
    • Copays
    • Prescriptions
    • Eligible dental & vision expenses
    • All FSA eligible expenses
  • Employees & covered family members can earn points through participating in challenges, educational events, and annual preventative appointments, as well as child wellness activities.
  • All activities, receipts, and other substantiation will be entered in the NHIT Wellness Portal.


NHIT Wellness Overview FY22

Wellness FAQs

Important Wellness Links