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The nation's first interstate school district

Our Districts

HHS students signing

School Administrative Unit (SAU) 70 is the nation's first interstate school district comprising the towns of Hanover, New Hampshire and Norwich, Vermont. SAU 70 consists of four schools and four boards.

SAU 70 Mission Statement

In our Hanover and Norwich Schools, we engage students’ hearts, minds, and voices so that they become educated, caring, and responsible adults. All students are given the opportunity and encouragement to use their…

  • minds to pursue excellence, academic challenge, and personal success.
  • hearts to respect and care for the emotional and physical well-being of themselves, others, and the environment.
  • voices to contribute to the academic process and the common good.

Our Districts

Message from Our Superintendent with a photo of Dr. Badams


Meet Superintendent Badams and read his recent leadership messages.



District Leadership