Enrolling in one of our schools
Welcome to SAU 70! All four of our schools take great pride in the tremendous opportunities that await your student. Our districts are known for academic excellence, athletic involvement, and participation in a wide range of co-curricular opportunities.
Whether you recently moved to Hanover or Norwich or are considering joining us as a tuition student, we welcome you.
The enrollment process is streamlined online for new students. See below for the necessary documentation and links to start the process.
For planning purposes, it's important to be mindful that all SAU 70 Schools dismiss an hour earlier each Wednesday to allow our staff to participate in staff meetings and professional development opportunities.
Documents Needed:
Birth Document
Proof of Residency
Immunization Record
Enroll for 2024-25 School Year
Enroll for 2025-26 School Year
Are you from a community outside Hanover and Norwich and interested in enrolling?
School Administrative Unit (SAU) 70 is located along the Connecticut River in the Upper Valley. As the first interstate school district, SAU 70 serves towns on both sides of the river, Hanover, New Hampshire and Norwich, Vermont. Students living in Norwich, VT attend the Marion Cross School through 6th grade and students living in Hanover, NH attend Bernice A. Ray Elementary School until 5th grade. Students then move on to the Frances C. Richmond Middle School in Hanover, NH and then to Hanover High School for grades 9-12.
Residency Requirements
A resident student is defined as any student living on a regular basis with a parent or legal guardian whose residence is in Hanover, New Hampshire (see RSA 21:6-e),or any student whose parent or legal guardian resides in Norwich, Vermont (see 16 V.S.A. 1075(a)).
School Specific Information
Bernice A. Ray School
Additional requests for information will come directly from the school registrar.
The Bernice A. Ray School welcomes all elementary-age children in
Hanover and Etna, NH.
Our teachers and staff members are committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and trusting environment for all children. We offer a balanced and challenging academic program, and a supportive atmosphere for children of all abilities and backgrounds.
The educational, social, and emotional growth of each child is our prime concern, and we actively encourage our students to become responsible and contributing members of the community.
Embracing Diversity
The Ray School embraces the diversity of our children: their backgrounds, beliefs, interests and talents. We expect all members of our school community to respect and learn from each other. Holiday activities emphasize a global perspective and reflect the traditions, cultures and religions in our society.
We expect all members of our school community to respect and learn from each other.
Mission and Values
Mission: The Ray School provides a nurturing and inclusive learning community that inspires excellence.
Vision: To be One Ray, focused on empowering students to dream, create, think critically, and contribute to the greater good.
Marion Cross School
Norwich, VT is home to approximately 3,400 people. Norwich is located along the Connecticut River in the Upper Valley, across the river from Hanover, NH and Dartmouth College. Children living in Norwich attend Marion Cross School for grades K-6 and then join Hanover students to attend middle and high school.
Community is a concept we take very seriously in Norwich. - Tom Candon, former Norwich Board Chair
Enrolling in Pre-K for MCS
Complete Pre-K Application Form by February 2, 2025.
First full week in February families will be notified of acceptance.
Complete the Resident Enrollment form after being accepted.
Pre-K orientation on May 28, 2025 from 3:00-4:00. Information will be sent to families.
Publicly Funded Pre-K
Your family can receive financial support, even if they are not enrolled in Marion Cross School’s full day Pre-K program.
Vermont's Universal Pre-K Program (Act 166) requires Norwich School District to fund up to ten hours of pre-kindergarten education. Families can choose from pre-qualified providers, including private and public programs.
To access public funding for the school year, parents must complete the enrollment form found on this page, as well as any paperwork your Pre-K program requires.
2024-25 Statewide rate is $3,884.00.
2025-26 Statewide rate is $3,982.00
Priority Order for Pre-K Admissions at Marion Cross School 2025-2026
Applications for Pre-K at the Marion Cross School for the 2025-26 school year are open and will remain open until February 2, 2025. After that date, we will close applications. To be added on our waitlist, after February 2nd, 2025, please complete the resident enrollment form on our website.
Families that should apply are:
Any family that has a Pre-K student (minimum age of 3 by the first day of school in August of 2025) and would like to be considered for a spot at the MCS program. Sometimes we admit students if they turn three by our Kindergarten cut-off date which is September 30th.
The capacity for the MCS Pre-K is 34 students. All students that enroll are expected to attend our full day program (following the Marion Cross School Calendar). Please note, there are no enrollment limits for classrooms in K-6.
On February 2nd, we will examine all the Pre-K applications that have been submitted. If we have more applications then slots available we will prioritize enrollment in the following order:
Currently enrolled PreK students
Residents of Norwich
Students with a diagnosed developmental delay(s) or disability
Students who are "at risk" as defined by homelessness, dual language learners, in foster/kin care, and/or migrant, free and reduced meals eligible
Siblings of Marion Cross School students and children of Marion Cross School Staff
Older students by birthdate. (However, if students turn 5 by the kindergarten cutoff date, September 30th 2025, we would expect them to enroll in kindergarten).
We will offer the 34 spots using our priority order, not first come first serve. For those families not offered a spot in our Pre-K program, they will be placed on the waiting list based on the priority order.
In order to apply, you will need to fill out the application on the SAU enrollment website. Please email Greg Bagnato or call the school at 649-1703, if you need help applying or if you would like a hard copy of the form sent to you.
Kindergarten registration happens every spring and is advertised in the Valley News transaction ads, posted to the Norwich Listserv, and mailed to current MCS families. There are several steps to the kindergarten registration process including: enrollment forms, Kindergarten Orientation for students and parents in early May, optional summer home visits and registration forms.
What is the timeline for registering my student and preparing for our MCS Kindergarten experience?
The Marion Cross front office staff can assist you with answering questions you might have, set up a tour, provide an information session for you and your child and help you with the transition.
- What is the entrance age for kindergarten?
- What does a typical day look like for a kindergartener at MCS?
- Where and when is pick-up and drop off?
- Are there any kindergarten meet-ups during the summer?
- How many kindergarten classes are there?
- How many students are in a typical kindergarten class?
- What happens during Kindergarten Orientation?
- What parent volunteer opportunities are there for kindergarten parents?
- What ways do kindergarten teachers communicate with families?
- What is a summer home visit?
- how does breakfast work?
- What special events happen in kindergarten?
- What kind of outdoor clothing is needed for recess and Forest Fridays?
What is the entrance age for kindergarten?
What does a typical day look like for a kindergartener at MCS?
Every day begins with a morning meeting. Students gather and greet one another and read a morning message, sharing about something they want to tell the class and a short activity/game. In the mornings, we have math and literacy. In the afternoons, we have a read aloud and literacy centers as well as science and/or social studies followed by free choice. Students have a morning and afternoon snack (sent in from home) as well as a morning and afternoon recess. Students eat lunch in the cafeteria. In the beginning of the year there is quiet time where students rest and look at books. In January, this time transitions to reading time.
Kindergartners participate in library, music, art, physical education, class counsel and French. Generally, each meets twice a week. Every Friday, we have Forest Friday. Kindergarten classes spend the morning together at the outdoor classroom in the Milton Frye Nature Area behind the school. Check out the Kindergarten Learning page to learn more details about what the students will learn and a sample daily schedule as well as the MCS Curriculum page for details on each area of the curriculum.
Where and when is pick-up and drop off?
School starts at 8:05 AM, with drop off beginning at 7:45 AM. Kindergarteners remain in the area near the play structure in front of school and kindergarten classes line up to go inside with their teachers in this area. Parents say goodbye to their children outside.
School ends at 3:10 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and at 2:10 PM on Wednesdays. Kindergarteners are picked up outside their kindergarten classrooms. The teacher must see the person picking up your student before they are dismissed.
If a family member needs to communicate something timely, like a change in dismissal, they should call the Main Office at 802-649-1703 to ensure that the message gets to the classroom teacher.
Are there any kindergarten meet-ups during the summer?
How many kindergarten classes are there?
How many students are in a typical kindergarten class?
What happens during Kindergarten Orientation?
Orientation is for incoming kindergarten students and their families who have registered with the MCS office for school in the fall. Orientation happens the first week of May. Students will spend one hour participating in activities and exploring the kindergarten classrooms with the kindergarten teachers. Families will join our principal, and our assistant principal, in a welcome informational session in the Multi-Purpose Room, including a tour and information about volunteering. There will be time for families to ask questions and to be introduced to the teachers. When you complete the online-enrollment form, details are shared with families about this event.
What parent volunteer opportunities are there for kindergarten parents?
Volunteer opportunities in kindergarten include joining us in the forest on Fridays, math and literacy volunteers, morning and afternoon recess duties and field trip chaperones. Kindergarten teachers appreciate parent volunteers who can help out in the classroom weekly, monthly or as needed. Math volunteers run a small group math center. All the materials and directions are provided for you. Literacy volunteers may be listening to individual students read books from their book boxes, helping students learn their sight words or run a literacy based game. Recess duty volunteers monitor playground time with one of the kindergarten teachers. Teachers send out google doc sign up sheets in the weekly newsletters. Please follow the SAU 70 Volunteer Background Check Process.
What ways do kindergarten teachers communicate with families?
Email is the best way to connect with teachers during the school day. You may also call the MCS Front Office and leave a message with the receptionist. Teachers write emails to share celebrations with families as well as to communicate any concerns. In-person Parent-Teacher conferences are held twice a year, in October and March. Teachers are also available by appointment most days of the week throughout the school year. Each Friday afternoon a weekly class informational newsletter is emailed highlighting learning for the week, celebrations, upcoming events and Table Talk questions for you to have discussions with your student about what they are learning at school.
What is a summer home visit?
Summer home visits happen in August, typically the week before school begins. Home visits are optional. They help to ease anxiety about the first days of kindergarten for both families and students. Teachers will send an invitation to you in July asking you to sign up for one of the openings. Visits can also take place at our local Huntley Meadows playground, in Norwich, if you prefer.
Students are usually pretty excited to have their teacher come to their home and see their favorite things and places. Each visit is 20 minutes. Families can also ask individualized questions at this time. There is no need to prepare anything for the visit. Teachers bring a bag of supplies, if needed, but usually the student enjoys touring the teacher around the home and possibly playing a game together. Families are also invited to check out their new classroom the day before school begins from 2:00 - 3:00 pm.
how does breakfast work?
Every student may opt to have breakfast each morning. Breakfast opens at 7:45 am. If your stuents wants to eat breakfast before the school day begins, they should enter the main lobby doors and walk to the kitchen area near the gym. Teachers are on duty to assist students during breakfast at the gymateria (our gymnasium/cafeteria area). Students may pick up the breakfast after 8:05 and bring it back to the classroom to save it to eat at snack time. Breakfast closes promptly at 8:10 am.
What special events happen in kindergarten?
Community Sing: Almost every Thursday afternoon from 2:30 - 3:00 pm K-2 students join in a community sing time led by Mr. Dean, one of our second grade teachers. Students sit by the gazebo in the fall and spring or in the gym during the winter. We sing a variety of songs, some traditional to MCS and other seasonal songs.
Community Groups: Once a month multi-age grades K-6 small groups of children meet with a teacher to do fun activities together. The groups stay the same year after year at MCS. Sixth graders lead the groups with the support of a teacher. As 6th graders graduate, new kindergarten children join the groups. We meet on Thursday afternoons when there is no Community Sing or REP for grades 3-6.
REP: Four Thursday afternoons per year we have an all school REP where different themes allow for students and teachers to present and perform. It’s a great an opportunity to be together as a whole school for a shared experience.
Author’s Tea Writing Celebration happens in the spring when kindergarten children have completed a published book. Parents are invited into their child’s classroom to listen to their child and other children in the small group read their stories aloud. This event happens at the end of the school day on a Thursday.
Forest Friday Celebration of Learning happens in the first week of June. Parents are invited in to learn about what the students have been doing in the outdoor forest classroom this year and to see the students’ forest animal research projects. This event happens at the end of the school day on a Thursday.
What kind of outdoor clothing is needed for recess and Forest Fridays?
Every Friday morning we go out to the forest for Forest Friday unless the temperatures are below 0 Fahrenheit or extreme weather such as a lightning storm. Students need to be dressed appropriately for the weather so that they have the best experience possible. We recommend the following outdoor gear that you may keep at school. We do have some extra clothing for students to borrow. You may also find some items online or at local thrift stores.
Rain jacket, rain pants or a rainsuit
Boots: winter and puddle boots
Snow pants and winter jacket or snowsuit
2 pair warm wool socks
2 pair of waterproof mittens (Land’s End has good waterproof ones)
Warm base layer that is not cotton such as polypropylene or wool, or a fleece base layer
Balaclava or neck warmer
Packages of hand or toe warmers are optional
Grade 1 - 6
Registering for School
The first step in registering a student at Marion Cross School is to call the Front Office staff at (802-649-1703) to arrange a tour and provide some basic information.
Parents of all new students, including incoming pre-K and K students, should complete the online registration form. Birth certificates immunizations, and proof of residency may be uploaded or brought/mailed to MCS Front Office.
We look forward to you and your student joining our community. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Contact Us
Have questions? Feel free to contact the front office by clicking on the envelope below. We will respond as quickly as we can.
Thank you.
MCS Front Office Staff
Frances C. Richmond Middle School
In addition to our Documents Needed, RMS requires the following:
Schedule a Math and Foreign Language Placement exam(s)
RMS registrar will provide you with information once you've been officially enrolled.
Welcome to the Frances C. Richmond Middle School! We are a comprehensive middle school of 375 sixth through eighth grade students located in Hanover, New Hampshire. Our mission is to inspire students to build the skills and compassion necessary to succeed in a complex world and, as they move toward greater independence, empower them to examine the impact their actions have on themselves, others, and the environment.
Richmond Middle School students distinguish themselves in our classrooms, school events, extracurricular activities, the community, and in supporting and encouraging one another. We offer a rigorous, diverse, and carefully designed and delivered educational program whose intent is to guide each student on their path to becoming confident independent learners. Further, we emphasize real-world connections and an interdisciplinary approach to learning that is based on the skills of communication, collaboration, and creativity.
Our staff and students have truly achieved the impossible through determination, collaboration, and daily appreciation for the support of this exceptional community. -Kelly McConnell, former Dresden Board Chair
RMS strives to be an inclusive, respectful, supportive, and affirming environment for all of our community members. We maintain that schools are safe only when all constituents in the building know (and believe) that hateful behavior towards any group is incompatible with our values, will not be tolerated, and will be addressed. Through our committment to equality we all become stronger.
Hanover High School
After reviewing academic records from your student's previous school, your child may be required to take a placement test in world language, math and/or science. The school counselor will determine if this is needed, or not.
Students choose courses with the advice of teachers and school counselors. The School Counseling Department attempts to tailor students' programs to individual needs, desires, and aspirations.
Hanover High School's diverse course offerings and numerous extracurricular activities allow students to explore their own interests and develop skills in many fields.
School Profile
Hanover High School is located in the Upper Valley, an area of central New Hampshire and Vermont that runs along either side of the Connecticut River. People are drawn to the Upper Valley for its quality of life, beauty, recreational activities, arts and cultural experiences and employment opportunities.
- How will we decide what courses my child will take?
- My child is interested in playing a sport, whom do I contact ?
- My child is interested in participating in theatre, whom do I contact ?
How will we decide what courses my child will take?
My child is interested in playing a sport, whom do I contact ?
Please refer to our Hanover High School athletics website page for information or contact the Athletic Department at 603-643-0655.
My child is interested in participating in theatre, whom do I contact ?
Please contact Yuliya Ballou for information about joining Hanover High School's theater program. For more information, view the Performing Arts page.