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The nation's first interstate school district

The Weighting Study

The Norwich School Board would like to share information with the Norwich residents regarding the Weighting Study.  We will continue to post updates, so check back often.


History & Information


  • Vermont Public - Capitol Recap: Lawmakers retooled Vermont’s school funding law. Now, no one is happy
  • Norwich Board Chair Palm - Joint Education Hearing Testimony, January 25, 2024  
  • Weighting Study Presentation pdf
  • On Tuesday, April 5 the House Ways and Means Committee began discussion of the Pupil Weighting Factors bill that was passed by the Senate. In that discussion the Committee reviewed a new version of S.287 that would utilize cost equity payments instead of new pupil weights. The draft language can be found in this version of S.287 and the discussion on the topic can be viewed in two sessions posted below. We’ll provide additional updates as we learn more.
  • S.287 as passed by both the House and the Senate is now headed to the Governor for his approval and signature. While previous versions of the bill used new weights in determining the equalized pupil count this final bill uses weights applied to the most recent 2 year average of Average Daily Membership (ADM). Despite this change, we anticipate that the impact on Norwich will be much the same - a potential tax rate increase of 20% to 30%. 

  • If signed by the Governor, the new law (and new tax rates) would take effect in the 2024/2025 school year. There is a five year phase-in period as well as a 5% cap on tax rate increases. For Norwich this could mean that the tax rate increases will be spread over a 5 year period rather than coming all at once. 

    By later this summer we anticipate that the Vermont Agency of Education will release modeling numbers (weighted ADM counts using using FY23 school data) so that school districts can begin to forecast the potential impact of this change. Once those numbers are available we’ll provide the community with our analysis of the potential impact on Norwich. 

    As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Norwich board if you have any questions.

Weighting Study Presentation

First page of the PDF file: PupilWeightingStudyInfographic, contact SAU for paper copy.

House Committee on Ways and Means, April 5, 2022, PM1

House Committee on Ways and Means, April 5, 2022, PM2

House Committee on Ways and Means, January 25, 2024

Superintendent Badams and Norwich Board Chair Palm give testimony.